Tuesday, March 11, 2008

The Last Supper!

For Willy of course and it was Mexican.  Daddy is here and I feel safe and ready to go.  My best girlfriend, Michelle Foteh from Texas, of 35 years is here and has kept me laughing since the minute she stepped of the plane.  She asked me if we could keep it?  I said I dont know, good question!!  Art and Carole complete the Freed team and we are having a really great time!  I can not believe we all here together.


mrwillys said...

johnnys diet seems to be working pretty good!

Unknown said...

Hey Dara! Those doctors are HOT!
Married? Do they prefer fluffy older women? I don't want to wait until 11:00 TX. time....think I should go gambling?
I love you more than you can ever know.
Cathy (TX)

Anonymous said...

Hey Dara,

You all look great!!! I haven't seen your daddy since Sam graduated a couple of years ago.....you look awesome!!!
