Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Continue to pray!

Well, Dara has been back in the hospital since Monday and has progressively gotten worst. She is very sick and is also seeing double vision. They can't figure out the problem and Art is getting very fustrated (as we all are). He is fighting for her care and they are running more tests. There was talk of sending her back to San Diego, but as of now not sure. Her white blood cell is back up, excrutiating head aches and has trouble moving or she gets very sick. We are believing for a miracle in this hic-cup of recovery. Please also pray for mental/emotional strength as I know she is very tired of feeling so bad. They did up her pain meds and she is able to sleep a lot. She is also still having quite a bit of head pressure. No "Big Bear" this week and it is looking like no sister reunion, but we are being optimistic. Thanks for your prayers, thoughts and notes. If you think about it, please feel free to drop a note of encouragement in the mail. As of now she could use some up-lifting! (oh - the rash is also back....yuck!!!)

Love to all,