Thursday, March 27, 2008

New Beginnings- Easter, March 23, 2008!

Easter was a lot of fun and it was great that Mom was still with us.  She leaves us tomorrow and Julie arrives while I am in San Diego getting the staples removed.  Mom and I played Easter bunny while and Art and his family took the kiddos to a museum.  We stuffed the eggs while placing one candy in the egg and one in our mouths.  The kids didn't wake up until 8am, unlike Michelle, Julie and I 4 am awakenings.  They had a ball hunting the eggs and tearing into the baskets.  Then, Mom and Maddie went to church and counted all our blessings.  I did not think I could make it through the entire service and it was outside.  When they got home we headed to Mai and Pauly's  house to see the family.  They put on an egg-xelent Easter lunch with ham, potatoes, green beans, mac n cheese, salas, cole  slaw, rolls, and an ice cream sundae bar.  My taste is getting a little bit better, I loved the green beaners.  We then had a second egg hunt.  It was a perfect day and we all gave thanks for all our blessings once again.  I was so happy to just be there.  By the end of the day we were egg-hausted.   (Easter Humor, instead on tumor humor bc he is atsa lavista Baby  sp.)  I really hope everyone else had an awesome day of thanks and new beginnings.  Mom will be missed and thank you again everyone who made it happen.  We had a brain fart and forgot to take pictures through the entire day, imagine that.