Monday, April 28, 2008

Menigittis-Not so much fun!!

It is good to be back in the world of the living.  I came home from my last visit to the hospital on last Wed. April 23.  It was a long stay of 8 days of unexpected pokes, prods, MRI's, CT's, PICC line and antibiotics.  I know Michelle was great in relaying my status, thanks girly!  I never imagined when we took off to San Diego that a couple of hours later I would have my doctor putting a syringe into my incision site and pulling out 3 syringes of fluid.  I kinda figured we were in trouble at that point.  I was told to get some lunch (Mexican of course) and then come back to get admitted to the hospital.  The lumbar drain was the hardest.  I was so sick.  I was in so much pain and could not keep any food down.  Vomiting while your head feels like 100 pounds gives all new meaning to the sport of throwing up.  My eyelids even hurt to open.  Art was a trooper staying by my side holding my vomit pan and stroking my hair.  I am sure it was tough on him to see me suffer.  He was an amazing advocate making sure I was taken care of while sleeping in a chair that barely reclined.  Mom Judi and Sylvan came for a visit although I barely remember seeing them I was so sick.  My friend Stephanie, who is also a nurse, came to relieve Art for a night.  She was like nighten Gail and was there to see some of the worst of it.  I was given a PICC line to administer IV antibiotics for 3 weeks at home after the doctors figured out which antibiotics were working.  I got the big guns Vancomycin and Merrem.  Two of the strongest out there.  I give my self 5 infusions a day which is old hat because of the nursing gig.  I kinda like doing my own IVs. Art learned for back up and is really good too.  A home health nurse came by the day after I got home.  He was a nice,  young male nurse which reminded me I will be BIG 40 in November.  So, I was home for three days and started to spike a fever of 102.1.  Which I found impossible on the antibiotics I was on.  So, off to the ER we go for a Saturday visit.  At this time I am pretty much besides myself and crying while we head to the hospital.  I get there and the Infectious disease doctor said that my white count was normal,  thank God,  and he thought I was having reactions to the heavy duty antibiotics.  That I could live with, although my incision site had a little increased fluid build up again.  I now take tylenol and benadryl before each dose, so I am basically a walking zombie all day.  But at least I am home and can smile.  My appetite is good, putting on more weight than I probably should.  But I need the nutrition to heal (sounds justifiable to me).  Fatigue of course is a battle and I am noticing a ringing in the deaf ear.  I may have to live with the irritating ringing-cant get that song "ring my bell" out of my friggin head.  The kids are great!  Mom Judi and Sylvan kept the kiddos on a minutes notice for 8 days.  Judi kept up with the laundry and cooked a homemade meat loaf when I got home.  What angels! Thank you everyone for the continued support.  Art read me all the blog responses while I was in the hospital and they really gave me strength.  I had beautiful flowers sent from the Haddad's, meals by mail (really cool and really good) from Lara B. and a darling little dress from Kim S.  I can not believe all the love that this whole experience has brought into my life.  I did not realize I meant so much.  I go back to San Diego on the 6th to see my surgeons and the infectious disease doctor.  I really hope to be able to close this chapter of my life soon and give back to my family and others.  All we really have is God, today, love, family and friends.  I am feeling an abundance of all 5 right now.