Thursday, March 13, 2008

Road to Recovery

It is 10pm, Dara's dad and I are back at the hotel.  We just got some time with Dara,  she has had a tough day.  Dara spent a good part of the day resting and sleeping, she has been able to sit up in a chair and ate half her dinner and held it down. She needs to keep her eyes closed so she doesn't get dizzy when she moves.  Our neighbors Dan and Carol stopped by to check on her.
The girls, Carole, Linda and Michelle F are keeping an eye on her for the first half of the night.  
Again thanks for all love I am keeping Dara updated on all your notes.

Ouch my f'in head!

Good Morning!
I arrived at the hospital at 5;40am am to relive Carole from Dara duty.  Carol was a hero last night, her nursing skills were put to work.  She took great care of our girl.  Dara was in pain and throwing up from the meds, Carole was there to make it as easy as possible.
At about 6:30am things took a turn for the better.  Dara was able to hold down a few ice chips.
Dr. Mastrodimos came in at about 9am and checked out his handy work. Dr. M is a man who does not mince words, he told Dara that she was "very lucky" and he seemed to mean exactly that.  She said thank you, thank you and he told her that she was really really welcome.
He wanted to see again for himself,  her smile worked fine, her tongue in working although a little numb.  After that she had a few bites of Jello and her status was changed from ICU to normal.  Because of a lack of rooms she is remaining in ICU but she should be able to move around a bit by this eve.  Her mom and dad have been in to see her for a few minutes. 
Michele F and Cathy, Bill and Nancy are here for support and laughs.
She is still hurting quite a bit but she looks and sounds better every hour.
Thank you all for your posts,  I will be reading her all the notes tonight.  
Dara and I know how blessed we are and both feel like every prayer and good thought made a difference.