Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Super Success Story

We are so blessed.
Our love Dara is recovering now.
Dara was rolled into surgery today at 12:30 pm. 
She never lost her positive attitude,  her Dr's told me she went to sleep with the most serene expression on her face.  At 7:00pm I received a call from the O.R. that Willie was free and they were closing up. At 8:00 pm the Dr's came to the waiting room and discussed the details of the surgery with our family.  Dara's tumor was very vascular and was difficult to remove, it was stuck to her brain.  Her nerves that control her eye, tongue and face were also stuck to the tumor and had been kinda smashed, they were not broken.  After the removal the nerves were tested for conductivity and they all appear to be functioning,  the nerve for her right side of the face is weak but should recover over time.  After a long day we can all rest and know that Dara will be fine.  She is expected to make a full recovery.  Thanks to all for your thoughts, notes, posts and good vibes, we know it made a difference.

The Perfect Day!

We grabbed breakfast by the ocean on the way down to San Diego.  It was a beautiful morning.  We said goodbye to Michelle, Madeline and Mason and started our journey.  Michelle flies back to Colorado today and I want to Thank her for everything. Grammy Judi and Pops Syl are holding down the fort and keeping the kiddos safe.  I feel good and can't wait to come home to Maddie and Mason.
My best girly from AZ, Carole Woodhouse, came in and I am happy to see her sweet soul.  She is a nurse with mad skills that I am gonna put to the test.  How lucky am I?