Thursday, May 8, 2008

HEAR today gone tomorrow!

I came home last night from a 5 day stint at the hospital and I am here to stay.  I feel really good except for the entire body rash that itches like hell.  I put about 10 layers calamine lotion on at a time and I feel like a pink taco (One of our fav mex. food rest.).  My doc called me his little lobster.  So,  for the third and final round this is how it went down.  Art took me to the ER Fri.  afternoon.  I was spiking a fever through the current big gun antibiotics that I  was giving myself Iv and my neck was swollen with rock hard lymph nodes.  The ER doc took me a little more seriously than last Fri trip to the ER.  In his eyes I was somewhat a rock star for all that I had endured the past couple of months.  This I liked!  They pulled my beloved PICC line ( I was sad to see it go cause I knew it was not the source of infection), took labs, started three IVS (kept missing-unheard of in ER-my luck), stuck a needle in my back to take out some more spinal fluid to test, stabbed me in the neck about 6 times to try and extract fluid they could test,  and another CT of my smart noggin.  Maybe I shouldn't have been so excited about my rock star status-look what it got me.  They admitted me and changed up my antibiotics.  I had an infectious disease doc, a med doc, a neurosurgeon doc,  an ENT doc and great nurses trying to figure me out (few have).  I spiked through the new antibiotics with fever, but my neck swelling of the lymph nodes got smaller by the day.  All the blood, picc, and spinal fluid cultures were coming back negative for bacteria growth.  So they discontinued everything and observed me for 24 hours.  In this  period I had no fever-must of been having reaction to antibiotics.  They chalked up the neck swelling to a viral something.  The radiant rash blessed me on the day I was leaving (again antibiotic reaction).  So basically no real answers, a medical mystery, but I am feeling more like myself since post surgery.  I came home on no medications with a new attitude- Feisty, sexy and sassy!  I was very Zen  at first, letting God and prayers heal me with a real peace about the whole scenario.  That really got me through the surgery wonderfully and I was blessed a million times over. I am now pissed and in fight mode to get myself back.  My energy and spirits are high.   Don't get me wrong.   I am still pulling the brain tumor card now that I am paying the late bills to get the late fee waived.  I earned it!  I am a fighter that is looking forward to Mother's Day.  Happy Mothers Day to all the wonderful mothers I know and love.  To all the husbands out there remember how special your wives are and how one's health could change on a dime-treat each other amazing every day.  My Dad is coming today for 4 days and I am hooking up with my sisters very soon.  Mom is almost done with school and she will be here for a few weeks.  Life is Good!  God is Good!