Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Dentist Today

I had another good day--I am buzzing around here on a decadron frenzy.  I forget what I am doing half the time and move onto something else.  I seem to be most settled in front of the computer or with the kids.  I got some dental work done today and the neighbors have been life savers  with car pooling.  I got your phone call Aunt Cathy Hansen and loved it. The spiders are in both eyes and move when my eyeballs move, but they are always hanging out in same corner of my eyes.  The left spider is more prominent and right is actually a lot more translucent.  I should name them like you said-Ill keep you posted.  Hope their dead soon! I am getting really excited, Michelle is coming in 2 days.  She will be great company and hopefully be able to keep me focused on something.

The Simpson Girls are falling apart!!

She is gonna kill me for posting this, but I got a frantic phone call from Julie down in Texas this morning. She bent over to get baby Lila and her back went out on her.  She was barely able to get the phone and call dad.  I stayed on the phone with her and she was in excruciating pain and unable to move at all.  She was locked in her house and she was half on and half off the couch. The baby was crying in a jumpy seat a couple of feet away.  She was strong and held it together. As we all know she is one tough cookie and I have never heard her in such agony.  I called our cousin Trent and he called 911.  Dad and Trent both arrived and they took her via ambulance to  the hospital for an MRI.  We are hoping for a strained muscle or spasms. Boy what a reminder not to take our body and health for granted once again.  Poor Chris was in trial and Julie didn't want to bother him.  Its tough nursing 1600 miles away. Good rescue work Trent and DaddyO!
**update-spasms-she's ok-LOVE YOU JULES!


Our dear neighbors Dr. Dan and Carol Merrill presented us with an opportunity to meet with Dr. Ross Davis.  A world renown Neurophysiologist and Neurosurgeon from Sidney, Australia.  He works with Dan in the research and development of micro-stimulators to restore neurological disabilities .  I could go on all day about Dan and Dr. Davis's work they are really making a difference and are passionate about the cause.  So he took a look into my little ol brain and guess what-yep its a tumor all right MRI's tell no lies.  He reassured us that surgery was the best option and the technique that Dr. Mastrodimus would be using is my best option.  He took a lot of time explaining my brain and ran a few neurological test on me.  He had me walk a straight line with my eyes closed.  I was surprised I was not very stable.  I never realized how bad my imbalance had gotten.  He said I would be going through an "adjustment" period for a while after the tumor was removed.  The brain matter will eventually reposition it self where the tumor once was.  I wonder if I will be smarter, have an increase in memory, dominate in scrabble, have personality changes or develop super powers.  Should be exciting!!  Thank you Dan and Carol! **He still wasn't sure about the spiders-they may become permanent residents.