Friday, May 23, 2008

NO more spots, I FEEL GOOD Nana nana nana na!!!

Leah and Arthur-Newly engaged!
She kept her eye!


We attended a charity dog festival May 18, 2008 run by our dear friends, Leah and Arthur, that are our producers/employers too.  Leah is about 4 years out from surviving eye cancer.  She had to work hard to keep her eye and finally found a doctor that would attempt to save her eye.  She has a great spirit, courage and strength.  She is always so sweet and calm in a zen way.  She is an inspiration. We had a blast and dogs where everywhere!! Everyone remained breathing with no asthma attacks from the dog dander.  I wanted to adopt about 15 dogs even though were not able to have one.  The  kids and Art have severe allergies and asthma, so no pooches in the Freed casa.  Plus I hate cleaning up the poop.

Hi everyone the itchy rash is gone and I am a happy camper.  I feel good!  I still have the fatigue that may last up to a year, but I am getting stronger every day.  I am also having close to migraine headaches all day.  I have to stay on top of taking my prescription Motrin, then I am fully functional.  I hear (pun intended) that the headaches may or may not improve with time.  I am gonna manifest a headache free life.  A new symptom just started today-I am having intermittent tingling to my right hand.  I will call the doctors on that one. Art is still amazing as always helping with laundry and cooking.  He is working from home again and we get to see each other all day.  His emotional support is priceless and he is constantly reminding me to slow down. Reminding me that I just had my head drilled and Willy scooped out a couple of months ago.  It really feels like it all  happened a year ago.  I still feel so much love and support from everyone.

I can really see that my life has changed:  I am taking my time and enjoying my children more, instead of keeping a perfect house and rushing.  I am not sweating the small stuff realizing what a waste of energy and head space it takes up.  Willy already took up to much space for many years.  My kids, Art and family are healthy and that is truly all that matters.  Together were strong and will get through anything, as I have just experienced.  I have a new found compassion for those with hearing disabilities and want to learn sign language.  I try hard everyday to have an upbeat attitude filled with humor.  I am not so concerned with what others think as long as I know I am being true to my heart and family.  I have a stronger personal relationship with GOD and a stronger faith in prayer.

As far as home life goes we are slowly picking up where we left off.  We plan on trying to tent camp this summer.  California has amazing camping grounds all over the place.  For a test run we camped in the backyard one night.  Right down to somores using the fire pit. The kiddos really got a kick out of it and we got to practice putting up the tent.  I did cheat and used the restroom inside.  Mason flooded the kitchen.  I came downstairs to find him on his stool at the sink in the bathroom.  He had taken an outdoor hose that we have for the kids to play with that has multiple spouts all over the hose.  He so brilliantly put one end of the hose up to the sink spout  and ran water all over our kitchen and laundry room.  20 towels later and a long time out, all was well.  Mason is almost  potty trained.  Thought we were there until he pooped in his Cars undies in T- Mobile today and we had just left from the bathroom.  Now that was fun.  Madeline is doing great!  She is our love child with not an intentional mean bone in her body.  She is out of school for the summer as of today. I got a big surprise when I picked her up from school this week.  Dad had taken her and she dressed herself.  I should of taken a pic of the mismatched outfit, right down to the flip flops she is not allowed to wear.  I couldn't help from laughing.  We are going up to the mountains, Big Bear, next T, W and Th.  We plan on chilling out in the cabin and cooking some great meals.  We were suppose to take the trip when I was in the hospital with meningitis. I will probably have a better trip now that I am feeling stronger. We are craigslist demons putting everything in the garage up for cheap sell.  We want to declutter our lives and keep it simple.  We are going to Colorado June 7th to visit Michelle and the Canon crew.  Jules and her kiddos are coming too and we plan on living it up with all the kids together.  We are going to a resort in long beach that we scored from a timeshare presentation (love those).  In July we are still planning on heading to Texas.  The airfare is outrageous right now and I have to wait for the prices to lower.   I guess it is the gas prices.  Along with some local camping trips (we'll see how that goes) and trips to Sea World, 
that pretty much sums up our summer.  I am just glad to be feeling better.  All those antibiotics really threw me for a loop.  I know all the good vibes and prayers have a huge part in my recovery, keep it coming.  I like to feel the LOVE, even from the sweet families I have never met.  It means a the world.  Love to all, Dara