Saturday, May 10, 2008


I found a picture on the web of what my rash looks like.  I couldn't bring myself to be the model.

Hi everyone!  I am up to my old ways of being a sleepless wonder.  This rash is killing me.  I am trying  really hard not to go there, but even with the decadron, claritan, motrin and tons on calamine lotion  I am still itchy.  It is every where-face, neck, chest, arms, back, legs, hands, feet-EVERYWHERE.  Not feeling real sexy right now.  I let loose in the shower last night scratching with one of those puff pads.  10 Minutes of pure Heaven to be followed by a night time of rawness, not a bright idea (pun intended). Art is really great at lathering me down three times a day.  I enjoy it cause he rubs in the lotion and kinda feels like scratching.   I found a great way to itch my butt at the store.  I just put my hands in my back pockets and itched away.  I am sure nobody notices.  I feel like a three year old with Art yelling across the room STOP itching-I think he is psychic cause I am really good at disguising the art of  scratching.  He thinks I may get a staff infection if I break the skin and possibly croak.  I am trying really hard to cut it out, if not for myself, but to relief Arty of any further anxiety.  He deserves that and has been through enough!  My daddy is here and I am enjoying him immensely.  He is throwing a Texas style barbecue on Sat. to celebrate me being out of the hospital.  He started preparing Thur. when he got into town.  He is handy around the house and I am putting him to work on repairs.  I like hanging with him cause he doesn't catch my scratching.  Other than the r***, I feel really really good.  My energy is improving, my speech is clearing, my walking is improving, my mind feels clearer and I am DRIVING!  I feel like a million bucks compared to last week.  My body just did not handle all those IV heavy duty antibiotics.  I will happily take the rash over feeling terrible.  Happy scratching-I mean sleeping!  Love, Dara